Lotus Notes Encryption Strategies

Software Test Account (softtest@wu1.wl.aecl.ca)
Tue, 14 Mar 1995 13:46:23 -0600 (CST)

I have been looking at the methods used by Lotus Notes to do encryption on
its mail transfers.  It seems to use RC4 (Rivest Cipher) for domestic
communications and RC2 for international communications.

In the tech notes that I have, it would seemt that RC2 uses a 128bit key and
RC4 uses a 256bit key.

Both these keys seem rather small in comparison to something like PGP's
1028bit key.
Is this a valid concern/criticism?

     ____       _____    _______   __     Erik Lindquist  
    / _  |     / ___/   / _____/  /  /    Systems Administrator 
   / /_| |    / /__    / /       /  /     AECL Whiteshell Laboratories
  /  __  |   / ___/   / /       /  /      VOICE: (204) 753-2311x3145  
 / /   | |  / /____  / /_____  /  /_____  FAX:   (204) 753-2455 
/_/    |_| /______/ /_______/ /________/  E-mail: lindquie@wu1.wl.aecl.ca